Saturday, October 01, 2005

Activity at Jasudben M.L.School - Khar - Mumbai.

Today - 01/10/2005 - A School activity day - A day I look forward since it involves meeting so many people from the community - teachers, librarians, parents and the best of all - children.

My colleague remarked that it seemed we were at a fashion show rather than at an open house of a school. It seemed parents were competing for being the best dressed, most beautiful etc. Probably this was expected, since Khar West is an upmarket area (In marketing terms SEC A & B Area).

Most of the parents went past our stall without so much as glancing at us with their children in tow. And then, they blame children for not reading. It has to be understood that parents have a great great responsibility in developing the reading habit of the child. At the very least, parents can pretend to be reading at home atleast 20 minutes a day. My daughter these days is hooked on to Chicken Soup series. To my surprise, the other day, when I bought Readers Digest, she jumped at it & I had a tough time getting it back from her. Of late, she goes off to sleep reading the Chicken Soup Book, (light remains on till the morning) in the process inflating my electricity bills. Literally, I have to pay for her reading !!!

Back to the activity at the school, Orient Longman & other book distributors too made their presence felt with a wide variety of titles. Publishers need not worry about TV & the Net snatching away readers, since children & parents were teeming around the stalls. Well written books with easy language, with pictures would always sell well. Kids are attracted by colour & graphics, I believe.

I have decided to add one quote to my each post. Obviously, these quotes shall be on education & learning. Well, here goes the first one:

"Education pays less when you are an educator".

How very true !!! I know by my experience !!!

I shall sign off now, since I have to be on the job tomorrow (Sunday) also. Oh God !!! Will have to keep a smiling face, since boss is giving company.


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